Dr Idicheria Ninan

[toggle type=”gray” title=”” active=”active”]Dr.Idicheria_NinanDr Idicheria Ninan is the Principal of IPC Theological Seminary, Kottayam, Professor of New Testament . Dr. Idicheria Ninan was trained for ministry at Union Biblical Seminary (UBS) at B.D. and M.Th. levels. He then earned his Ph.D. in 1994 from Coventry University for research done at Wycliffe Hall in Oxford, U.K. He had been a staff worker with Union of Evangelical Students of India (UESI), Dean of Degree Programmes with The Association for Theological Education by Extension (TAFTEE) and former General Secretary and Vice-President of Inter Collegiate Prayer Fellowship (ICPF). From 1997 to 2002, he was Professor of New Testament and Head of Doctoral Studies Programme at South Asia Institute of Advanced Christian Studies (SAIACS). He is married to Carol and they are blessed with two daughters, Charis and Irene.

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Malayalam Bible Sermon : Obedience and Faith by Dr. Idicheria Ninan


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PCNAK 1996 -Power of the Holy Spirit – Message by Dr. Idicheria Ninan
